Hello from Glendale, California, writes Paul Bloomberg, Glendale, California.

So sad to see such horrible Hackney news day after day. I have visited Hackney and want to go again next year – Climpson and Sons [in Broadway Market] is great. I hope more police are walking the beat.

I read the Julie Christie story in [Iain Sinclair’s] Hackney, That Rose-Red Empire. That is what got me to drag my wife to Hackney. I remember walking around and buying something from a bookshop near Climpson’s [perhaps Donlon Books? – ed]. We also took pictures along the Regent’s Canal. I was very disappointed that I did not get to see the Empire Theatre.

We walked by the community vegetable garden. The one in the Brick Lane area was much better. I hope it has improved – children need to know where food comes from.

Old age has ruined my chance to be a travel writer, but Hackney must fight any effort to replace the good old ordinary person with people who can afford any price for a place to live and who force out the butcher, the baker and, yes, the candlestick maker.

Zac Goldsmith claimed that the new Mayor of London lacked political judgement, but this claim did not get across because of the increasing nonsense being talked by both sides in the Europe referendum, writes Christopher D Sills, Dunsmure Road, Stamford Hill.

I did not expect Sadiq Khan to prove that the claim has considerable justification so soon after his election.

But this intemperate attack on Donald Trump (although entirely justified) is a good example.

By interfering in another country’s election, his actions have been counterproductive.

He has given Donald Trump more publicity and as a result will increase his chances of being elected.

Mr Khan would have done less harm if he had attacked Mr Trump on his other mad policies like protectionism and his encouragement of Japan and South Korea getting nuclear weapons, but he chose to play the race card. This will only increase race tensions worldwide.

Excusing his behaviour by referring to the deplorable action of the American president to interfere in the European Referendum campaign is not good enough as that intervention has only increased the chances of British people voting to get out.

I am getting increasingly fed up with foreigners telling me how to vote in this referendum, particularly as many of them also supported the Euro – and what a disaster that has been.

In addition, I do not want Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen telling us what to do.

If the Mayor had criticised America for not taking enough Syrian refugees, he would have had my support as their performance on this issue has been pathetic.

In conclusion, British and foreign politicians should take a May resolution to stop interfering in other countries’ elections.

There have been endless problems for children trying to get to school safely along the footpath linking Morning Lane and Mare Street, writes Geraldine Ewer, address supplied.

St John and St James is just behind the site, but it also affects children walking to and from City Academy and Morningside.

The builders have taken over most of the path, which is both a footpath and cycle lane, and left a tiny space to negotiate.

They have also been driving all sorts of vehicles along it, too. Unfortunately, there have been numerous near misses and absolutely no sign of proper site management or awareness of school dropping off and picking up time.

There seems to be no provision for suppliers’ delivery, which will be interesting when it is up and running.