Young people in Hackney are being invited to have their say on the borough’s services and activities in the annual youth survey.

The questionnaire helps shape decisions made by the council relating to youth provision, and in the past young people highlighting the need for improved facilities led the council to invest over £5m in five new youth clubs, which are now open six days a week.

Following further feedback they will be running more activities at weekends in future, with Hoxton Hall launching an open mic night on Fridays and free rehearsal time for dance groups and bands on Saturdays from January 18.

Member of Hackney Youth Parliament, Anne-Marie Descartes, 19, said: “Giving young people the opportunity to have their say allows them to feel a part of the community, which in turn has a positive impact on how they view the borough and improves their relationships with adults.

“Young people need to have an input into the way services are run - because they are the future of Hackney.”

Comments can be made by 11-19 year olds at until January 31.