A drunken football fan left with life-changing injuries after falling head first off a traffic light on the night of England’s World Cup exit has warned – “know your limits”.

The Gazette is arranging for Adrian Lamb, 26, of Bristol, to meet Edie Kench-Andrews so he can thanks the heroic 16-year-old fire cadet for “saving his life” following the accident in Old Street on July 11.

Adrian was only able to piece together what happened the night of England’s World Cup exit through newspaper stories – because he has no memory of it whatsoever.

Schoolgirl Edie had been on her way home from a fire cadets course at Shoreditch Fire Station when she stepped in to give Adrian first aid, stopping the bleeding from his head injury with a pair of socks from her bag.

Despite being surrounded by other drunk, rowdy people throwing bottles, she kept Adrian calm until medics arrived.

“I want to give her a massive cuddle,” Adrian told the Gazette. “I can’t thank her enough.

“No one else did anything for me, and she doesn’t know who I am and yet she dropped everything and came to my aid.

“That says a lot about her. She’s a brilliant, outstanding young lady and I’d like to have the opportunity to give her some flowers and to show my appreciation to her.”

Adrian will never again work as an air conditioning and refrigeration engineer because of his injuries, and is still in rehabilitation. He broke five ribs but shattering his right wrist and fracturing the left has put him out of work because he can’t lift anything heavy.

Adrian thinks alcohol plays a big part in football culture which sees fans drink to excess and behave badly – but is “not a massive football fan” himself.

“I’ve gone out and had a lot to drink in the past, but never in the amount I had that night,” he said. “It was ridiculous but it was a free bar. I clearly didn’t know my limits and I went overboard. I’m very regretful, but I can’t change the past and I can only deal in the future. To be honest I’ve not drunk since.”