Parents who clubbed together to buy a communal trampoline to amuse their kids this summer have been told to get rid of it by Hackney Council.

In a letter to the Yorkshire Grove Estate, just off Victorian Grove in Stoke Newington, council officers said the grass area where the £400 play equipment has been placed is "not a designated play area", and that its presence was preventing the grass from being cut.

They added: "The council is not insured for play equipment you have installed and it doesn't meet our health and safety requirements."

They warned that injuries can occur to all parts of the body, including the neck, arms, legs, face and head.

"The most common injuries are caused by awkward landings and include sprains or fractures to the wrist, forearm, elbow and collarbone.

"Adult supervision is no guarantee of safety," they said. "More than half of all trampoline accidents occur while under supervision. However a trained 'spotter' can greatly reduce this risk."

They were told to remove the trampoline within 14 days, or they would dispose of it themselves, but upset parents signed a petition and its fate will now be decided at a tenants and residents meeting on July 28.

Annie Collinge, who has a six-year-old son, told the Gazette: "It's been great for the kids socially and as a result the adults have got to know each other too and become friends. It seems such a shame to waste resources on taking away something that's been a really great thing.

"It's too big to put in a garden as we all have small gardens, and the kids play communally on the front field. For once neighbours are getting on and doing something positively and they are just saying we can't have it. We would all be willing to sign a form saying we won't sue them - and we already put a sign up saying 'play at your own risk'."

She added: "We are confused because there's been a smaller trampoline there for five years they never touched and there's been an abandoned motorbike on its side for over a year, despite complaints from everyone living here, which is a safety hazard because it's probably full of petrol."

A spokesperson for the council said: "To ensure all young residents in the area can still enjoy playing on a trampoline we will be installing a trampoline in the children's play area which is a one-minute walk away from the green space. As this equipment is designed for play areas it also meets all necessary health and safety requirements and ensures safe play for the children of the estate."