”That place on Hackney Downs is constantly being broken into,” a judge noted after three teens admitted breaking and entering at a refreshments hut and stealing sweets, biscuits and a clock worth £9.

Seymour Collins, chairman of the bench at North London Juvenile Court, was told that one of the 15-year-old culprits had “made history” at the local Youth Employment Bureau, through the number of jobs he had been through in one year – with 20 a “conservative estimate”.

n In other news, the Shoreditch Youth Employment Committee reported that the most frequest request from boys was to work in mechanical and electrical engineering.

While clerical work attracted a third of all girls leaving school, most of them went into clothing, “as expected” in Shoreditch.

Working in shops was also “quite popular with girls”, who preferred in some cases to work in the West End to be free on Saturday afternoons.